Application: Hyperspectral remote sensing Red-edge position

Hyperspectral remote sensing Red-edge position

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Basic information

Name Hyperspectral remote sensing
Specific Name Red-edge position


Nr. Name Formula Variables Comment
1 Red-Edge Stress Vegetation Index 718nm + 748nm 2 - 733nm
2 Visible Atmospherically Resistant Indices RedEdge [700:710] - [620:680] [700:710] + [620:680]
3 Chlorophyll IndexRedEdge NIR rededge - 1
4 Simple Ratio NIR/Rededge NIR rededge
5 Simple Ratio Rededge/Red rededge RED
6 Red-Edge Inflection Point 1 700 + 40 ( ( 670nm + 780nm 2 ) - 700nm 740nm - 700nm )
7 Red-Edge Inflection Point 2 702 + 40 ( ( 667nm + 782nm 2 ) - 702nm 742nm - 702nm )
8 Red-Edge Inflection Point 3 705 + 35 ( ( 665nm + 783nm 2 ) - 705nm 740nm - 705nm )
9 Chlorophyll Index RedEdge 710 750nm 710nm - 1
10 Red-Edge Position Linear Interpolation 700 + 40 ( 670nm + 780nm 2 ) - 700nm 740nm - 700nm
11 Normalized Difference NIR/Rededge NIR - rededge NIR + rededge
12 Normalized Difference Rededge/Red rededge - RED rededge + RED
13 Chlorophyll Red-Edge ( [760:800] [690:720] ) ( -1 )
14 Red edge 1 [708:716] [676:685]
15 Red edge 2 [708:716] - [676:685] [708:716] + [676:685]


Nr. Name Spectral Range Bands
1 ChrisProbaM1 406-1003 62
2 ChrisProbaM4 486-796 18
3 ChrisProbaM5 438-1036 37
4 HyMap 429-2493.8 126
5 EnMap 420-2450 244
6 AVIRIS 355.15-2515 224
7 Orbview-4 450-2450 200
8 Hyperion 349.896-2582.28 242
9 VIIRS 412-13350 22
10 AISA 400-2506.7 498
11 DAIS-7915 400-12600 79
12 HYDICE 400-2500 210
13 ARIES-1 400-2587 105
14 ASAS 400-1020 62
15 PHI 400-1000.35 244
16 CASI spectral 391-905.5 96
17 AVIS 550-994 74
18 ChrisProbaM2 406-1036 18
19 ChrisProbaM3 438-1035 18
20 LandsatMSS (Landsat1-3) 500-1100 4
21 RapidEye 440-850 5
22 MERIS 407.5-905 15
23 ChrisProbaM3A 420-910 18
24 WorldView-2 400-1040 9
25 WorldView-3 400-2365 29
26 CZCS 433-12500 6
27 SEVIRI 560-14400 12
28 MSU-MR 500-12500 6
29 Resurs-DK1 500-800 4
30 CASI_spatial 417-806 11
31 AHS 428.5-13140 80
32 Sentinel-2A 433-2280 13
33 VENμS 400-920 12
34 SCIAMACHY 240-2380 15
35 CASI 550 400-1000 288
36 CASI1500 380-1500 288
37 GLI 375-12500 36
38 CASI EG 474.7-789.5 13
39 Daedalus 0-13000 12
40 Azimuth Systems AZ-16 0-13000 12
41 CASI-2 Vegetation 441.53-869.54 12
42 LandsatTM (Landsat4,5) 450-12500 7
43 LandsatETM+ (Landsat7) 450-12500 8
44 ASTER 520-11650 15
45 QuickBird 450-900 5
46 IKONOS-2 445-900 5
47 Kompsat-2 0-900 5
48 GeoEye-1 450-920 5
49 Orbview-1 450-900 5
50 HRSC-A 395-1015 5
51 ALI 433-2350 10
52 Formosat-2 450-900 5
53 ALOS 0-890 6
54 CBERS-1/CBERS-2 450-890 8
55 SeaWiFS 412-905 8
56 MERSI 402-12750 20
57 OCM-2 402-885 8
58 UK-DMC 2 520-900 3
59 DubaiSat-1 420-890 5
60 GOMOS 250-952 5
61 MIPAS 685-2410 5
62 INSAT-2E 550-12500 6
63 Pleiades-1 430-950 5
64 IRS-P3 403-1650 18
65 MMR 450-2300 7
66 AVNIR 400-920 5
67 SIS 450-900 5
68 Resource21 450-1650 6
69 PROBA-V 440-1635 4
70 Deimos-2 420-890 5
71 SPOT 6 450-890 5
72 SPOT 7 450-890 5
73 AVHRR 580-12500 6


Nr. Author/Title Year Comment
1 Clevers, J. G. P. W.; Kooistra, L. - Assessment of heavy metal contamination in river floodplains by using the red-edge index 2003
2 Clevers, J. G. P. W.; Kooistra, L.; Salas, E. A. L. - Study of heavy metal contamination in river floodplains using the red-edge position in spectroscopic data 2004
3 Cloutis, E. A.; Connery, D. R.; Major, D. J.; Dover, F. J. - Airborne multi-spectral monitoring of agricultural crop status: effect of time of year, crop type and crop condition parameter 1996
4 Curran, Paul J.; Windham, W. Robert; Gholz, Henry L. - Exploring the relationship between reflectance red edge and chlorophyll concentration in slash pine leaves 1995
5 Dash, J.; Curran, P. J. - The MERIS terrestrial chlorophyll index 2004
6 Eyers, R. D. ; Mills, J. P. - Subsidence Detection Using Integrated Multi Temporal Airborne Imagery 2004
7 Eyers, R. D. ; Mills, J. P. ; Cutler, M. E. J. - The topographic and spectral expression of mining subsidence 2004
8 Gamon, J. A.; Peñuelas, J.; Field, C. B. - A narrow-waveband spectral index that tracks diurnal changes in photosynthetic efficiency 1992
9 Gitelson, A. A.; Kaufman, Y. J.; Stark, R.; Rundquist, D. - Novel algorithms for remote estimation of vegetation fraction 2002
10 Gitelson, Anatoly A.; Merzlyak, Mark N.; Lichtenthaler, Hartmut K. - Detection of Red Edge Position and Chlorophyll Content by Reflectance Measurements Near 700 nm 1996
11 Guyot, G.; Baret, F.; Major, D. J. - High spectral resolution: Determination of specral shifts between the red and the near infrared 1988
12 Hecker, Jeanna Hyde - Investigation of the Relationship between Chlorophyll Concentration and High Spectral Resolution Data of Phragmites australis in Heavy Metal Contaminated Sites 2003
13 Herrmann, I.; Pimstein, A.; Karnieli, A.; Cohen, Y.; Alchanatis, V.; Bonfil, D. J. - LAI assessment of wheat and potato crops by VENµS and Sentinel-2 bands 2011
14 Jago, Rosemary A.; Cutler, Mark E. J.; Curran, Paul J. - Estimating Canopy Chlorophyll Concentration from Field and Airborne Spectra 1999
15 Main, Russell; Cho, Moses Azong; Mathieu, Renaud; O’Kennedy, Martha M.; Ramoelo, Abel; Koch, Susan - An investigation into robust spectral indices for leaf chlorophyll estimation 2011
16 Merton, R. N. - Monitoringcommunityhysteresis using spectralshiftanalysis and the red-edgevegetationstressindex 1998
17 Vogelmann, J.E.; Rock, B.N.; Moss, D.M. - Red Edge Spectral Measurements from Sugar Maple Leaves 1993
18 Zarco-Tejada P.J.; Miller J.R. - Land Cover Mapping at BOREAS using red edge spectral parameters from CASI imagery 1999
19 Zarco-Tejada, P. J.; Miller, J. R.; Noland, T. L.; Mohammed, G. H.; Sampson, P. H. - Scaling-up and model inversion methods with narrow-band optical indices for chlorophyll content estimation in closed forest canopies with hyperspectral data 2001

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