Sensor: IRS-P3


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Basic information

Name IRS-P3
Full Name
Bands 18
Spectrum [nm] 403-1650
Spat.Res. [m] 580-2520
Inclination 98.69
Orbit Height 817
Orbit Type
Date of Launch 1996-01-00
Usable for Indices yes


zoom Bands

Nr. Name Start WL Middle WL End WL Sp.Rg. Spat. Res. Comment
1 MOS-A1 756 756.7 757.4 1.4 2520
2 MOS-A2 759.9 760.6 761.3 1.4 2520
3 MOS-A3 762.8 763.5 764.2 1.4 2520
4 MOS-A4 765.7 766.4 767.1 1.4 2520
5 MOS-B1 403 408 413 10 580
6 MOS-B2 438 443 448 10 580
7 MOS-B3 480 485 490 10 580
8 MOS-B4 515 520 525 10 580
9 MOS-B5 565 570 575 10 580
10 MOS-B6 610 615 620 10 580
11 MOS-B7 645 650 655 10 580
12 MOS-B8 680 685 690 10 580
13 MOS-B9 745 750 755 10 580
14 MOS-B10 865 870 875 10 580
15 MOS-B11 1005 1010 1015 10 580
16 MOS-B12 810 815 820 10 580
17 MOS-B13 440 445 450 10 580
18 MOS-C 1550 1600 1650 100 720


Nr. Name Specific Formula Calculated Comment
1 Adjusted transformed soil-adjusted VI 1.22 MOS_B11 - 1.22 MOS_B8 - 0.03 1.22 MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 - 1.22 · 0.03 + 0.08 ( 1 + 1.222 ) Automatic
2 Aerosol free vegetation index 1600 ( MOS_B11 - 0.66 MOS_C MOS_B11 + 0.66 MOS_C ) Automatic
3 Ashburn Vegetation Index 2.0 MOS_B11 - MOS_B7 Automatic
4 Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index MOS_B11 - MOS_B8 - y ( MOS_B8 - MOS_B13 ) MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 - y ( MOS_B8 - MOS_B13 ) Automatic
5 Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index 2 -0.18 + 1.17 ( MOS_B11 - MOS_B8 MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 ) Automatic
6 Blue-wide dynamic range vegetation index 0.1 MOS_B11 - MOS_B13 0.1 MOS_B11 + MOS_B13 Automatic
7 Canopy Chlorophyll Content Index MOS_B11 - MOS_B8 MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 MOS_B11 - Red MOS_B11 + Red Automatic
8 Chlorophyll Index Green MOS_B11 MOS_B4 - 1 Automatic
9 Chlorophyll IndexRedEdge MOS_B11 MOS_B8 - 1 Automatic
10 Chlorophyll Red-Edge ( MOS_A4 MOS_B8 ) ( -1 ) Automatic
11 Chlorophyll vegetation index MOS_B11 MOS_B8 MOS_B42 Automatic
12 Coloration Index MOS_B8 - MOS_B13 MOS_B8 Automatic
13 Corrected Transformed Vegetation Index ( MOS_B8 - MOS_B4 MOS_B8 + MOS_B4 ) + 0 ,5 | ( MOS_B8 - MOS_B4 MOS_B8 + MOS_B4 ) + 0 ,5| · | ( ( MOS_B8 - MOS_B4 MOS_B8 + MOS_B4 ) ) + 0 ,5| Automatic
14 Difference NIR/Green MOS_B11 - MOS_B4 Automatic
15 Differenced Vegetation Index MSS 2.4 MOS_B11 - MOS_B7 Automatic
16 Enhanced Vegetation Index 2.5 MOS_B11 - MOS_B8 ( MOS_B11 + 6 MOS_B8 - 7.5 MOS_B13 ) + 1 Automatic
17 Enhanced Vegetation Index 2 2.4 MOS_B11 - MOS_B8 MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 + 1 Automatic
18 Enhanced Vegetation Index 2 2.5 MOS_B11 - MOS_B8 MOS_B11 + 2.4 MOS_B8 + 1 Automatic
19 Ferric iron, Fe3+ MOS_B7 MOS_B5 Automatic
20 Ferric Oxides MOS_C MOS_B12 Automatic
21 Global Environment Monitoring Index ( 2 ( MOS_B112 - MOS_B82 ) + 1.5 MOS_B11 + 0.5 MOS_B8 MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 + 0.5 ( 1 - 0.25 2 ( MOS_B112 - MOS_B82 ) + 1.5 MOS_B11 + 0.5 MOS_B8 MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 + 0.5 ) - MOS_B8 - 0.125 1 - MOS_B8 ) Automatic
22 Global Vegetation Moisture Index ( MOS_B11 + 0.1 ) - ( MOS_C + 0.02 ) ( MOS_B11 + 0.1 ) + ( MOS_C + 0.02 ) Automatic
23 Gossan MOS_C MOS_B7 Automatic
24 Green atmospherically resistant vegetation index MOS_B11 - ( MOS_B4 - ( MOS_B13 - MOS_B8 ) ) MOS_B11 - ( MOS_B4 + ( MOS_B13 - MOS_B8 ) ) Automatic
25 Green leaf index 2 MOS_B4 - MOS_B8 - MOS_B13 2 MOS_B4 + MOS_B8 + MOS_B13 Automatic
26 Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index MOS_B11 - MOS_B5 MOS_B11 + MOS_B5 Automatic
27 Green Optimized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index MOS_B11 - MOS_B4 MOS_B11 + MOS_B4 + Y Automatic
28 Green Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index MOS_B11 - MOS_B4 MOS_B11 + MOS_B4 + L ( 1 + L ) Automatic
29 Green-Blue NDVI MOS_B11 - ( MOS_B4 + MOS_B13 ) MOS_B11 + ( MOS_B4 + MOS_B13 ) Automatic
30 Green-Red NDVI MOS_B11 - ( MOS_B4 + MOS_B8 ) MOS_B11 + ( MOS_B4 + MOS_B8 ) Automatic
31 Hue arctan ( 2 MOS_B8 - MOS_B4 - MOS_B13 30.5 ( MOS_B4 - MOS_B13 ) ) Automatic
32 Ideal vegetation index MOS_B11 - b a · MOS_B8 Automatic
33 Infrared percentage vegetation index MOS_B11 MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 2 ( ( MOS_B8 - MOS_B4 MOS_B8 + MOS_B4 ) + 1 ) Automatic
34 Intensity ( 1 30.5 ) ( MOS_B8 + MOS_B4 + MOS_B13 ) Automatic
35 Leaf Water Content Index log ( 1 - ( MOS_B11 - MIDIR ) ) - log ( 1 - ( MOS_B11 - MIDIR ) ) Automatic
36 Log Ratio log ( MOS_B11 MOS_B8 ) Automatic
37 mCRIG ( MOS_B4 ( -1 ) - MOS_B5 ( -1 ) ) · MOS_B11 Automatic
38 mCRIRE ( MOS_B4 ( -1 ) - MOS_B8 ( -1 ) ) · MOS_B11 Automatic
39 Mid-infrared vegetation index MOS_B11 MOS_C Automatic
40 Misra Green Vegetation Index -0.386 MOS_B5 - 0.530 MOS_B7 + 0.535 MOS_B9 + 0.532 MOS_B11 Automatic
41 Misra Non Such Index 0.404 MOS_B5 - 0.039 MOS_B7 - 0.505 MOS_B9 + 0.762 MOS_B11 Automatic
42 Misra Soil Brightness Index 0.406 MOS_B5 + 0.600 MOS_B7 + 0.645 MOS_B9 + 0.243 MOS_B11 Automatic
43 Misra Yellow Vegetation Index 0.723 MOS_B5 - 0.597 MOS_B7 + 0.206 MOS_B9 - 0.278 MOS_B11 Automatic
44 Modified anthocyanin reflectance index ( MOS_B5 ( -1 ) - MOS_B8 ( -1 ) ) · MOS_B11 Automatic
45 Modified Simple Ratio NIR/RED ( MOS_B11 MOS_B8 ) - 1 ( MOS_B11 MOS_B8 ) + 1 Automatic
46 Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index 2 MOS_B11 + 1 - ( 2 MOS_B11 + 1 ) 2 - 8 ( MOS_B11 - MOS_B8 ) 2 Automatic
47 Nonlinear vegetation index MOS_B112 - MOS_B8 MOS_B112 + MOS_B8 Automatic
48 Norm G MOS_B4 MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 + MOS_B4 Automatic
49 Norm NIR MOS_B11 MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 + MOS_B4 Automatic
50 Norm R MOS_B8 MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 + MOS_B4 Automatic
51 Normalized Difference 750/650 MOS_B9 - MOS_B7 MOS_B9 + MOS_B7 Automatic
52 Normalized Difference 750/680 MOS_B9 - MOS_B8 MOS_B9 + MOS_B8 Automatic
53 Normalized Difference 819/1600 MOS_B12 - MOS_C MOS_B12 + MOS_C Automatic
54 Normalized Difference 819/1649 MOS_B12 - MOS_C MOS_B12 + MOS_C Automatic
55 Normalized Difference 820/1600 MOS_B12 - MOS_C MOS_B12 + MOS_C Automatic
56 Normalized Difference Green/Red MOS_B4 - MOS_B8 MOS_B4 + MOS_B8 Automatic
57 Normalized Difference MIR/NIR MOS_C - MOS_B12 MOS_C + MOS_B12 Automatic
58 Normalized Difference NIR/Blue MOS_B11 - MOS_B13 MOS_B11 + MOS_B13 Automatic
59 Normalized Difference NIR/Green MOS_B11 - MOS_B4 MOS_B11 + MOS_B4 Automatic
60 Normalized Difference NIR/MIR MOS_B11 - MOS_C MOS_B11 + MOS_C Automatic
61 Normalized Difference NIR/Red MOS_B12 - MOS_B8 MOS_B12 + MOS_B8 Automatic
62 Normalized Difference NIR/Rededge MOS_B11 - MOS_B8 MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 Automatic
63 Normalized Difference NIR/SWIR MOS_B11 - MOS_C MOS_B11 + MOS_C Automatic
64 Normalized Difference Red/Green MOS_B8 - MOS_B4 MOS_B8 + MOS_B4 Automatic
65 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 690-710 MOS_B11 - MOS_B8 MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 Automatic
66 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index C MOS_B11 - MOS_B8 MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 ( 1 - MOS_C - SWIIRmin SWIRmax - SWIRmin ) Automatic
67 Pan NDVI MOS_B11 - ( MOS_B4 + MOS_B8 + MOS_B13 ) MOS_B11 + ( MOS_B4 + MOS_B8 + MOS_B13 ) Automatic
68 Perpendicular Vegetation Index ( 1 a2 + 1 ) ( MOS_B11 - ar - b ) Automatic
69 Red-Blue NDVI MOS_B11 - ( MOS_B8 + MOS_B13 ) MOS_B11 + ( MOS_B8 + MOS_B13 ) Automatic
70 Reduced Simple Ratio MOS_B11 MOS_B8 · MIRmax - MOS_C MIRmax - MIRmin Automatic
71 SAVImir ( MOS_B11 - MOS_C ) 1 + L MOS_B11 + MOS_C + L Automatic
72 Shape Index 2 MOS_B8 - MOS_B4 - MOS_B13 MOS_B4 - MOS_B13 Automatic
73 Simple Ratio 1599/819 MOS_C MOS_B12 Automatic
74 Simple Ratio 1600/820 MOS_C MOS_B12 Automatic
75 Simple Ratio 440/690 MOS_B2 MOS_B8 Automatic
76 Simple Ratio 450/690 MOS_B13 MOS_B8 Automatic
77 Simple Ratio 520/760 MOS_B4 MOS_A2 Automatic
78 Simple Ratio 752/690 MOS_B9 MOS_B8 Automatic
79 Simple Ratio MIR/NIR MOS_C MOS_B11 Automatic
80 Simple Ratio MIR/Red MOS_C MOS_B8 Automatic
81 Simple Ratio NIR/G MOS_B11 MOS_B4 Automatic
82 Simple Ratio NIR/MIR MOS_B11 MOS_C Automatic
83 Simple Ratio NIR/RED MOS_B11 MOS_B8 Automatic
84 Simple Ratio NIR/Rededge MOS_B11 MOS_B8 Automatic
85 Simple Ratio Red/Blue MOS_B8 MOS_B13 Automatic
86 Simple Ratio Red/Green MOS_B8 MOS_B4 Automatic
87 Simple Ratio Red/NIR MOS_B8 MOS_B11 Automatic
88 Simple Ratio SWIRI/NIR SWIRI MOS_B11 Automatic
89 Single Band 1580 MOS_C Automatic
90 Single Band 655 MOS_B7 Automatic
91 Single Band 680 MOS_B8 Automatic
92 Soil and Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index 2 2, 5 MOS_B11 - MOS_B8 1 + MOS_B11 + 6 MOS_B8 - 7 , 5 MOS_B13 Automatic
93 Soil Background Line MOS_B11 - 2.4 MOS_B7 Automatic
94 Soil Composition Index MOS_C - MOS_B12 MOS_C + MOS_B12 Automatic
95 Soil-adjusted vegetation index 2 MOS_B11 MOS_B8 + b a Automatic
96 Specific Leaf Area Vegetation Index MOS_B11 MOS_B8 + MOS_C Automatic
97 SQRT(IR/R) MOS_B11 MOS_B8 Automatic
98 Tasselled Cap - Green Vegetation Index MSS -0.283 MOS_B5 - 0.660 MOS_B7 + 0.577 MOS_B9 + 0.388 MOS_B11 Automatic
99 Tasselled Cap - Non Such Index MSS -0.016 MOS_B5 + 0.131 MOS_B7 - 0.425 MOS_B9 + 0.882 MOS_B11 Automatic
100 Tasselled Cap - Soil Brightness Index MSS 0.332 MOS_B5 + 0.603 MOS_B7 + 0.675 MOS_B9 + 0.262 MOS_B11 Automatic
101 Tasselled Cap - Yellow Vegetation Index MSS -0.899 MOS_B5 + 0.428 MOS_B7 + 0.076 MOS_B9 - 0.041 MOS_B11 Automatic
102 Transformed NDVI MOS_B11 - MOS_B8 MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 + 0.5 Automatic
103 Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index B ( MOS_B11 - B · MOS_B8 - A ) MOS_B8 + B ( MOS_B11 - A ) + X ( 1 + B2 ) Automatic
104 Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index 2 a · MOS_B11 - a · MOS_B8 - b MOS_B8 + a · MOS_B11 - a · b Automatic
105 Transformed Vegetation Index ( ( MOS_B8 - MOS_B4 MOS_B8 + MOS_B4 ) ) + 0 ,5 Automatic
106 Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index Green MOS_B5 - MOS_B7 MOS_B5 + MOS_B7 - MOS_B3 Automatic
107 Weighted Difference Vegetation Index MOS_B11 - a · MOS_B8 Automatic
108 Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index 0.1 MOS_B11 - MOS_B8 0.1 MOS_B11 + MOS_B8 Automatic


Nr. Name
1 Agriculture
2 Agriculture - Crop parameters
3 Agriculture - Crop yield
4 Agriculture - Land management
5 Agriculture - Precision Crop Management
6 Fire
7 Forestry
8 Geology
9 Hyperspectral remote sensing - Red-edge position
10 Metal
11 Metal - Heavy metal contamination
12 Metal - Iron
13 Soil
14 Vegetation
15 Vegetation - Biomass
16 Vegetation - Cellulose
17 Vegetation - Chlorophyll
18 Vegetation - LAI
19 Vegetation - Lignin
20 Vegetation - Starch
21 Vegetation - Stress
22 Vegetation - Sugar
23 Vegetation - Vitality
24 Vegetation - Water
25 Vegetation - Water stress


Nr. Author/Title Year Comment
1 Chandrasekhar, M. G.; Jayaraman, V.; Rao, M. - Indian remote sensing satellites: Planned missions and future applications 1996
2 Choubey, V. K.; Choubey, R. - Spectral reflectance, growth and chlorophyll relationships for rice crop in a semi-arid region of India 1999

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Visualisation of Indices



Adjusted transformed soil-adjusted VI

Aerosol free vegetation index 1600

Ashburn Vegetation Index

Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index

Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index 2

Blue-wide dynamic range vegetation index

Canopy Chlorophyll Content Index

Chlorophyll Index Green

Chlorophyll IndexRedEdge

Chlorophyll Red-Edge

Chlorophyll vegetation index

Coloration Index

Corrected Transformed Vegetation Index

Difference NIR/Green

Differenced Vegetation Index MSS

Enhanced Vegetation Index

Enhanced Vegetation Index 2

Enhanced Vegetation Index 2

Ferric iron, Fe3+

Ferric Oxides

Global Environment Monitoring Index

Global Vegetation Moisture Index


Green atmospherically resistant vegetation index

Green leaf index

Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

Green Optimized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index

Green Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index

Green-Blue NDVI

Green-Red NDVI


Ideal vegetation index

Infrared percentage vegetation index


Leaf Water Content Index

Log Ratio



Mid-infrared vegetation index

Misra Green Vegetation Index

Misra Non Such Index

Misra Soil Brightness Index

Misra Yellow Vegetation Index

Modified anthocyanin reflectance index

Modified Simple Ratio NIR/RED

Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index

Nonlinear vegetation index

Norm G

Norm NIR

Norm R

Normalized Difference 750/650

Normalized Difference 750/680

Normalized Difference 819/1600

Normalized Difference 819/1649

Normalized Difference 820/1600

Normalized Difference Green/Red

Normalized Difference MIR/NIR

Normalized Difference NIR/Blue

Normalized Difference NIR/Green

Normalized Difference NIR/MIR

Normalized Difference NIR/Red

Normalized Difference NIR/Rededge

Normalized Difference NIR/SWIR

Normalized Difference Red/Green

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 690-710

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index C


Perpendicular Vegetation Index

Red-Blue NDVI

Reduced Simple Ratio


Shape Index

Simple Ratio 1599/819

Simple Ratio 1600/820

Simple Ratio 440/690

Simple Ratio 450/690

Simple Ratio 520/760

Simple Ratio 752/690

Simple Ratio MIR/NIR

Simple Ratio MIR/Red

Simple Ratio NIR/G

Simple Ratio NIR/MIR

Simple Ratio NIR/RED

Simple Ratio NIR/Rededge

Simple Ratio Red/Blue

Simple Ratio Red/Green

Simple Ratio Red/NIR

Simple Ratio SWIRI/NIR

Single Band 1580

Single Band 655

Single Band 680

Soil and Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index 2

Soil Background Line

Soil Composition Index

Soil-adjusted vegetation index 2

Specific Leaf Area Vegetation Index


Tasselled Cap - Green Vegetation Index MSS

Tasselled Cap - Non Such Index MSS

Tasselled Cap - Soil Brightness Index MSS

Tasselled Cap - Yellow Vegetation Index MSS

Transformed NDVI

Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index

Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index 2

Transformed Vegetation Index

Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index Green

Weighted Difference Vegetation Index

Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index

List of Sensors