Sensor: IRS-P3
Basic information
Name | IRS-P3 |
Full Name | |
Bands | 18 |
Spectrum [nm] | 403-1650 |
Spat.Res. [m] | 580-2520 |
Inclination | 98.69 |
Orbit Height | 817 |
Orbit Type | |
Platform | |
Operator | |
Date of Launch | 1996-01-00 |
status | |
Comment | |
Usable for Indices | yes |
Description |
Nr. | Name | Start WL | Middle WL | End WL | Sp.Rg. | Spat. Res. | Comment |
1 | MOS-A1 | 756 | 756.7 | 757.4 | 1.4 | 2520 | |
2 | MOS-A2 | 759.9 | 760.6 | 761.3 | 1.4 | 2520 | |
3 | MOS-A3 | 762.8 | 763.5 | 764.2 | 1.4 | 2520 | |
4 | MOS-A4 | 765.7 | 766.4 | 767.1 | 1.4 | 2520 | |
5 | MOS-B1 | 403 | 408 | 413 | 10 | 580 | |
6 | MOS-B2 | 438 | 443 | 448 | 10 | 580 | |
7 | MOS-B3 | 480 | 485 | 490 | 10 | 580 | |
8 | MOS-B4 | 515 | 520 | 525 | 10 | 580 | |
9 | MOS-B5 | 565 | 570 | 575 | 10 | 580 | |
10 | MOS-B6 | 610 | 615 | 620 | 10 | 580 | |
11 | MOS-B7 | 645 | 650 | 655 | 10 | 580 | |
12 | MOS-B8 | 680 | 685 | 690 | 10 | 580 | |
13 | MOS-B9 | 745 | 750 | 755 | 10 | 580 | |
14 | MOS-B10 | 865 | 870 | 875 | 10 | 580 | |
15 | MOS-B11 | 1005 | 1010 | 1015 | 10 | 580 | |
16 | MOS-B12 | 810 | 815 | 820 | 10 | 580 | |
17 | MOS-B13 | 440 | 445 | 450 | 10 | 580 | |
18 | MOS-C | 1550 | 1600 | 1650 | 100 | 720 |
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Visualisation of Indices
Adjusted transformed soil-adjusted VI
Aerosol free vegetation index 1600
Ashburn Vegetation Index
Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index
Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index 2
Blue-wide dynamic range vegetation index
Canopy Chlorophyll Content Index
Chlorophyll Index Green
Chlorophyll IndexRedEdge
Chlorophyll Red-Edge
Chlorophyll vegetation index
Coloration Index
Corrected Transformed Vegetation Index
Difference NIR/Green
Differenced Vegetation Index MSS
Enhanced Vegetation Index
Enhanced Vegetation Index 2
Enhanced Vegetation Index 2
Ferric iron, Fe3+
Ferric Oxides
Global Environment Monitoring Index
Global Vegetation Moisture Index
Green atmospherically resistant vegetation index
Green leaf index
Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
Green Optimized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index
Green Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index
Green-Blue NDVI
Green-Red NDVI
Ideal vegetation index
Infrared percentage vegetation index
Leaf Water Content Index
Log Ratio
Mid-infrared vegetation index
Misra Green Vegetation Index
Misra Non Such Index
Misra Soil Brightness Index
Misra Yellow Vegetation Index
Modified anthocyanin reflectance index
Modified Simple Ratio NIR/RED
Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index
Nonlinear vegetation index
Norm G
Norm NIR
Norm R
Normalized Difference 750/650
Normalized Difference 750/680
Normalized Difference 819/1600
Normalized Difference 819/1649
Normalized Difference 820/1600
Normalized Difference Green/Red
Normalized Difference MIR/NIR
Normalized Difference NIR/Blue
Normalized Difference NIR/Green
Normalized Difference NIR/MIR
Normalized Difference NIR/Red
Normalized Difference NIR/Rededge
Normalized Difference NIR/SWIR
Normalized Difference Red/Green
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 690-710
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index C
Perpendicular Vegetation Index
Red-Blue NDVI
Reduced Simple Ratio
Shape Index
Simple Ratio 1599/819
Simple Ratio 1600/820
Simple Ratio 440/690
Simple Ratio 450/690
Simple Ratio 520/760
Simple Ratio 752/690
Simple Ratio MIR/NIR
Simple Ratio MIR/Red
Simple Ratio NIR/G
Simple Ratio NIR/MIR
Simple Ratio NIR/RED
Simple Ratio NIR/Rededge
Simple Ratio Red/Blue
Simple Ratio Red/Green
Simple Ratio Red/NIR
Simple Ratio SWIRI/NIR
Single Band 1580
Single Band 655
Single Band 680
Soil and Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index 2
Soil Background Line
Soil Composition Index
Soil-adjusted vegetation index 2
Specific Leaf Area Vegetation Index
Tasselled Cap - Green Vegetation Index MSS
Tasselled Cap - Non Such Index MSS
Tasselled Cap - Soil Brightness Index MSS
Tasselled Cap - Yellow Vegetation Index MSS
Transformed NDVI
Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index
Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index 2
Transformed Vegetation Index
Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index Green
Weighted Difference Vegetation Index
Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index