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Tasselled Cap - Yellow Vegetation Index MSS

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Nr. Name Specific Formula Bands Spectrum [nm] Spat.Res. [m] Incl. Platform Operator Info.
1 AHS -0.899 5 + 0.428 8 + 0.076 11 - 0.041 18 80 428.5-13140 7 0 airborne Daedalus Enterprise Inc. More
2 AISA -0.899 66 + 0.428 109 + 0.076 153 - 0.041 240 498 400-2506.7 0 0 airborne Specim Ltd. More
3 ALI -0.899 MS___2 + 0.428 MS___3 + 0.076 MS___4 - 0.041 MS___4' 10 433-2350 10 0 EO-1 NASA More
4 ARIES-1 -0.899 8 + 0.428 14 + 0.076 19 - 0.041 29 105 400-2587 30 0 CSIRO and private industry More
5 ASAS -0.899 15 + 0.428 25 + 0.076 35 - 0.041 55 62 400-1020 0 0 More
6 AVIRIS -0.899 21 + 0.428 31 + 0.076 42 - 0.041 64 224 355.15-2515 20 0 airborne NASA More
7 AVIS -0.899 1 + 0.428 17 + 0.076 34 - 0.041 67 74 550-994 0 0 More
8 Azimuth Systems AZ-16 -0.899 3 + 0.428 5 + 0.076 6 - 0.041 8 12 0-13000 0 0 airborne NERC Airborne Research and Survey Facility (ARSF) More
9 CASI 550 -0.899 73 + 0.428 121 + 0.076 168 - 0.041 264 288 400-1000 0 0 ITRES More
10 CASI spectral -0.899 30 + 0.428 49 + 0.076 68 - 0.041 96 96 391-905.5 3 0 airborne ITRES Research Instruments More
11 CASI-2 Vegetation -0.899 3 + 0.428 4 + 0.076 8 - 0.041 12 12 441.53-869.54 0 0 airborne ITRES More
12 CASI1500 -0.899 44 + 0.428 70 + 0.076 96 - 0.041 147 288 380-1500 2.4 0 airborne ITRES More
13 CASI_spatial -0.899 4 + 0.428 6 + 0.076 9 - 0.041 11 11 417-806 0 0 airborne ITRES Research Instruments More
14 CBERS-1/CBERS-2 -0.899 green + 0.428 red + 0.076 infrared - 0.041 near_infrared 8 450-890 2.7 0 Brazil and China More
15 ChrisProbaM1 -0.899 A13 + 0.428 A23 + 0.076 A37 - 0.041 A58 62 406-1003 34 0 Proba ESA More
16 ChrisProbaM2 -0.899 W6 + 0.428 W10 + 0.076 W15 - 0.041 W18 18 406-1036 17 0 Proba ESA More
17 ChrisProbaM3 -0.899 L4 + 0.428 L7 + 0.076 L13 - 0.041 L17 18 438-1035 17 0 Proba ESA More
18 ChrisProbaM3A -0.899 L5 + 0.428 L8 + 0.076 L14 - 0.041 L18 18 420-910 17 0 Proba ESA More
19 ChrisProbaM5 -0.899 H4 + 0.428 H7 + 0.076 H18 - 0.041 H32 37 438-1036 17 0 Proba ESA More
20 Daedalus -0.899 3 + 0.428 5 + 0.076 6 - 0.041 8 12 0-13000 0 0 airborne EG&E Energy Measurements Remote Sensing Laboratory (RSL), Las Vegas, NV AND NERC Airborne Research and Survey Facility (ARSF) More
21 DAIS-7915 -0.899 8 + 0.428 14 + 0.076 19 - 0.041 30 79 400-12600 20 0 airborne, Do 228 DLR More
22 EnMap -0.899 20 + 0.428 36 + 0.076 51 - 0.041 82 244 420-2450 30 0 DLR More
23 GLI -0.899 8 + 0.428 22 + 0.076 16 - 0.041 18 36 375-12500 250 98.6 Advanced Earth Observing Satellite 2 (ADEOS II) NASDA, NASA and CNES More
24 GOMOS -0.899 UV_VIS + 0.428 Red_phonometer + 0.076 NIR1 - 0.041 NIR2 5 250-952 0 0 ENVISAT ESA More
25 HYDICE -0.899 15 + 0.428 25 + 0.076 35 - 0.041 55 210 400-2500 0 0 airborne Naval Research Laboratories More
26 HyMap -0.899 9 + 0.428 15 + 0.076 22 - 0.041 35 126 429-2493.8 4 0 airborne More
27 Hyperion -0.899 B20 + 0.428 B30 + 0.076 B40 - 0.041 B81 242 349.896-2582.28 30 0 EO-1 NASA More
28 IRS-P3 -0.899 MOS_B5 + 0.428 MOS_B7 + 0.076 MOS_B9 - 0.041 MOS_B11 18 403-1650 580 98.69 More
29 IRS-P4 -0.899 5 + 0.428 6 + 0.076 7 - 0.041 8 9 402-1700 250 0 More
30 LandsatMSS (Landsat1-3) -0.899 1 + 0.428 2 + 0.076 3 - 0.041 4 4 500-1100 80 0 Landsat NASA More
31 MERIS -0.899 5 + 0.428 7 + 0.076 10 - 0.041 15 15 407.5-905 300 68.5 Envisat ESA More
32 MERSI -0.899 2 + 0.428 3 + 0.076 13 - 0.041 16 20 402-12750 250 0 Chinese FengYun-3 (FY-3A) China More
33 MODIS -0.899 12 + 0.428 1 + 0.076 15 - 0.041 19 36 405-14385 250 0 Terra / Aqua NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) More
34 OCM-2 -0.899 5 + 0.428 6 + 0.076 7 - 0.041 8 8 402-885 0 0 Indian Oceansat-2 satellite India More
35 Orbview-4 -0.899 10 + 0.428 20 + 0.076 30 - 0.041 50 200 450-2450 8 0 GeoEye More
36 PHI -0.899 61 + 0.428 102 + 0.076 143 - 0.041 224 244 400-1000.35 0 0 SITP, China More
37 RapidEye -0.899 Green + 0.428 Red + 0.076 Red_edge - 0.041 Near_Infrared 5 440-850 5 0 Rapid eye AG More
38 SCIAMACHY -0.899 VIS1 + 0.428 PMD3_VIS + 0.076 VIS2 - 0.041 NIR1 15 240-2380 960000 0 ENVISAT ESA More
39 SeaWiFS -0.899 5 + 0.428 6 + 0.076 7 - 0.041 8 8 412-905 0 0 SeaStar/OrbView-2 GeoEye More
40 Sentinel-2A -0.899 3 + 0.428 4 + 0.076 6 - 0.041 9 13 433-2280 10 98.6 ESA More
41 VENμS -0.899 4 + 0.428 7 + 0.076 9 - 0.041 12 12 400-920 0 0 More
42 VIIRS -0.899 M4 + 0.428 I1 + 0.076 M6 - 0.041 DNB 22 412-13350 0 0 American NPP and NPOESS USA More
43 WorldView-2 -0.899 Green + 0.428 Red + 0.076 Pan - 0.041 Near_Infrared_2_Band 9 400-1040 0.46 0 More
44 WorldView-3 -0.899 Green + 0.428 Red + 0.076 Red_Edge - 0.041 Near_IR2 29 400-2365 0.31 0 More